We thought we’d share an email from Bill Andrews, our named Shareholder, which was sent to our Houston and Austin offices on August 1st in honor of this special occasion. Thank you to everyone who had a hand in the success of this wonderful firm!
Debbie reminded me 27 years ago today (many of you were either not born or very, very young), Andrews Myers opened for business in offices in the old Chase Bank building on Weslayan. They hardly resembled our current offices—I think my desk was an old Walmart table and the wallpaper was a bright green grasscloth that would not have made it in Architectural Digest. My hair was brown and I had considerably more energy than I do as a senior citizen. Tom had more hair then, I think.
So, the only ones left from that day are Debbie, that old Tom guy up on 15 arbitrating and me. It’s been an amazing 27 years and I am now waxing nostalgic as I recall three important facts:
- Our firm is people who care about one another and our mission to provide the best quality of service to our clients.
- We owe our success to people who are no longer here and to the outstanding group of dedicated professionals and staff I have the pleasure and honor to work with every day. Twenty-seven years later I look forward to spending another wonderful, fun and reward day at this place and, most importantly, spending so much time with you.
- I think the Man upstairs should get a lot of credit—enough said.
When Tom and I came up with the idea to start the firm, I was 39 years old and Tom was much, much younger. We had young families yet we left shareholder positions at Winstead to start this firm—the best decision I ever made other than marrying Janet (now going on 41 years)—a risk that I’m glad Tom and I took. I will tell you had it not been for Tom’s prodigious effort to get this place up and running and then his great business acumen in managing this firm for so many years, I don’t know if we would have made it through some difficult times. Yet, in several respects, the ethos of this firm emerged from those difficult times.
I am so proud of our legacy and progeny, including two CEO’s of construction companies (Tom Vaughn of Vaughn Construction and Eric Cohen of Butler Cohen). All of you have played a role in the continuing saga of this firm’s amazing development and growth.
So, thanks—I love our Firm!
William K. “Bill” Andrews
Andrews Myers | Attorneys at Law
For more information on the Andrews Myers firm and our practice areas, please contact us.